What is The Football Fan Base?
The Football Fan Base is an international football blog which focuses on the big stories currently circulating in the world of football. The aim of the site is to provide an unbiased view from a supporters viewpoint of every footballing event.
Our mission is to look at the game from as wide a perspective as possible and analyse the ” beautiful game ” with a degree of balance and not provide comments and opinions often spoon-fed to us by today's over dictating media.
Finally and most importantly, The Football Fan Base is a forum for fans of all ages aimed at bringing together all those who love the game, and with this in mind, we encourage you to contribute by using the comments field on each article to share your views.
So how can I contribute to The Football Fan Base?
There are 3 ways in which you can contribute to The Football Fan Base
1. By leaving comments on articles you have read and share your thoughts on the subject. The articles posted on The Football Fan Base are written with the sole aim of stirring debate amongst supporters. Tell us if you agree with the content in a written article or more importantly if you disagree with the content of an article, without your comments we can’t debate!
2. By sending us feedback, suggestion or tips. Is there a subject you think we should write about, or a topic you would like to read more ( or less) about? …if so let us know
3. By writing for The Football Fan Base. I am always on the look-out for budding sports journalists for contributions. If you think you have what it takes from a sports journalism point of view and are passionate about the game of football then send me a sample of your work and we will be in touch !. If you are interested in writing for The Football Fan Base please use the Contact Us link on the top toolbar or footer of this site.
So there you have it, I do hope you enjoy The Football Fan Base and the articles posted and please do not forget to use the comments section at the end of each article