The FA has a new rule for simulation

The FA will now have the power to punish players for simulations retrospectively.

Come the 2017-18 Premier season the FA  will bring into effect a new offence called the “Successful Deception of a Match Official”. And as per the new rule, if there is clear and overwhelming evidence to suggest a match official has been deceived by an act of simulation, and as a direct result, the offending player’s team has been awarded a penalty and/or an opposing player has been dismissed, The FA will be able to act retrospectively under its Fast Track system.

A panel of one ex-official, one ex-manager and one ex-player will review all the video footage that is available independently of one another. And they will, in turn, advise the FA if the offence of ‘Successful Deception of a Match Official’.

In accepted and/or proven cases of simulation and/or feigning injury, the offending player would receive a two-match suspension.


  • It will come into effect where an alleged act leads to a penalty.
  • Where an alleged act leads to a straight red card for an opponent.
  • Where an alleged act leads to a dismissal of an opponent.
  • Footage will be analyzed by a three-member team.
  • The team will consist of one ex-official, one ex-manager, and one ex-player.
  • If found guilty the accused player will receive a two-match suspension.

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